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Showing posts from January, 2014

What will happen to me if i keep forgiving people for the rest of my life?

    So, as days passed by, there was always this one thing that never missed to keep buggin' my mind. Yet still whenever it knocked my head, i can never feel satisfied without knowing the answer to this matter. What i've learnt is that a strong heart is those who are strong to forgive people regardless of depth of the pain that you felt inside. And lucky me that Allah has tested me with this situation which i've experienced it by my own. So, i hold tight to the teachings of Islam which is to forgive ABSOLUTELY anyone that hurt you EVEN you haven't done a single thing to him/her. So everytime this situation reached me, i keep saying to myself  'that's okay, forgive him, forgive her, forgive them..' and so it continues. But until this one point, i honestly tired of forgiving people and buried this pain inside and to see that those people don't have a single clue that im in pain. Its like i've been eaten by the worms bit by bit. I feel smaller and smal...