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Showing posts from 2014

Habib Ali - Kitab Mukhtasar (ringkasan) Sahih Bukhari & Minjahul 'Abidin (Imam Ghazali)

- Tegur orang tua dengan lemah lembut seperti kisah Saidina Hasan dan Saidina Husin - Adab Nabi s.a.w apabila memberi makanan atau minuman, baginda s.a.w akan mula memberi kepada orang yg duduk di kanan. Tapi disebabkan ketika itu  belah kiri Rasulullah s.a.w ialah lebih tua (Saidina Abu Bakr) , maka baginda mintak izin orang di kanan iaitu Abdullah ibn Abbas untuk bagi orang di kiri. Padahal Abdullah ibn Abbas hanyalah budak kecil ketika itu. Ketika Rasulullah s.a.w wafat Abbas hanya 13 tahun. Apatah lagi ketika peristiwa ini mesti lagi kecil. Tapi Nabi s.a.w pentingkan adab walaupun dgn budak kecil untuk meminta izin daripada 'hak' Abdullah ibn Abbas tadi. (ADAB!) - Lafaz 'bismillahirrahmanirrahim' hanya dimulai oleh Nabi Muhammad s.a.w, sebelum kehadiran baginda sebutannya lain 'bismiqallahumma'. Ada satu ketika seorang bernama Attas duduk bersama Rasulullah s.a.w, ketika itu Rasulullah minum dan menyebut 'bismillahirrahmanirrahim'. Attas ber...

A simple prayer yet most precious in the sight of Allah?

    Assalamualaikum, some sense of uneasy in me finally urge me to write this post and share it with you guys. It is a remarkable story during the time of sahabah that ive read long time ago and completely purify the way i think since then. I shall begin the story that will give massive impact to you.    One day, there was a pious man that never left the masjeed that he went for meditations. He became well known in the town because of his obedience and piety to Allah. He never stop worship Allah, he would read Quran, zkir and even voluntary prayers. One night, he had a dream that there was a man that was more pious than him. He woke up feeling shocked and confused. Then he continue started his day doing his regular basis. When he walked along the street, he recognised the face of a man in a stall that was attending his customer. He realized that its the man in his dream. The pious man waited at a place and watched th...

Physical Prayers vs. Heart Prayers

      Prayer is a foundation of a muslim as we all know. No one can explain the benefits of performing salah until one experience it by himself. Even explaining won't be enough. But to taste the sweetness of salah, let first ask to ourselves.. Is it you who performing salah or is it your heart performing salah. Adakah diri kamu mendirikan solat, atau pun hatimu mendirikan solat? This makes huge difference upon its meaning and effect. Curiosity overcomes me. Kenapa ada orang mendirikan solat tapi kelakuannya sama seperti orang yang tak solat? It seems that the way he/she prays is flawless and smoothly. Just like others' prayers. Sujood, ruku', al-fatihah, everything is the same.. But why? Why the prayers are the same but the charatacters turns out differently from everyone..      Oh.. Apparently its the condition of the heart.. You may perform the salah but your heart may not perform it. Alhamdulillah Allah gave me a lil close up about the heart when i was...

Muhammad, The Complete Man.

Assalamualaikum, may all of us always be under the protection of Allah s.w.t.  On 27th April 2014, i attended a heroes conference in IIUM that brought up a talk about Muhammad s.a.w, The Complete Man. It was held for the whole day from to 10 p.m. And wallahi i've never felt so much content as i felt on that day. Everything about Prophet Muhammad s.a.w really enlightened me. I had the chance to know every detail about Prophet Muhammad s.a.w in a day! And what i can learn is that we really need to know everything about our prophet so that we realize that attitude and sincerity are our platform in life. If you want to know how noble is the status of Islam, study about our Prophet, study the vision of sahabah. study the wife of the prophet. They really potray the value of humanity. Lets ponder upon the wisdom words from the conference. By Sheikh Waleed Abdul Hakeem : House of the Prophet. -   You should live with postive people, so that you will be positive. ...

What will happen to me if i keep forgiving people for the rest of my life?

    So, as days passed by, there was always this one thing that never missed to keep buggin' my mind. Yet still whenever it knocked my head, i can never feel satisfied without knowing the answer to this matter. What i've learnt is that a strong heart is those who are strong to forgive people regardless of depth of the pain that you felt inside. And lucky me that Allah has tested me with this situation which i've experienced it by my own. So, i hold tight to the teachings of Islam which is to forgive ABSOLUTELY anyone that hurt you EVEN you haven't done a single thing to him/her. So everytime this situation reached me, i keep saying to myself  'that's okay, forgive him, forgive her, forgive them..' and so it continues. But until this one point, i honestly tired of forgiving people and buried this pain inside and to see that those people don't have a single clue that im in pain. Its like i've been eaten by the worms bit by bit. I feel smaller and smal...