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Muhammad, The Complete Man.

Assalamualaikum, may all of us always be under the protection of Allah s.w.t.

 On 27th April 2014, i attended a heroes conference in IIUM that brought up a talk about Muhammad s.a.w, The Complete Man. It was held for the whole day from to 10 p.m. And wallahi i've never felt so much content as i felt on that day. Everything about Prophet Muhammad s.a.w really enlightened me. I had the chance to know every detail about Prophet Muhammad s.a.w in a day! And what i can learn is that we really need to know everything about our prophet so that we realize that attitude and sincerity are our platform in life. If you want to know how noble is the status of Islam, study about our Prophet, study the vision of sahabah. study the wife of the prophet. They really potray the value of humanity.

Lets ponder upon the wisdom words from the conference.

By Sheikh Waleed Abdul Hakeem : House of the Prophet.

-   You should live with postive people, so that you will be positive.
-   People will attract to you because of your quality! Be truthful. In order to be truthful to people, you have to be truthful to yourself and your personality will change!
-  Ibn Abbas said whenever i came across an ayah in the Quran that says ' O you who believe', I know Allah is talking to me something personal.
-   Masjid Al-Aqsa is the thirds sacret mosque in Islam.

By Sheikh Tariq Appleby : The Women behind Prophet Muhammad s.a.w

-    The women (Khadijah, Fatimah etc. ) around Prophet s.a.w support Prophet s.a.w
-    Allah will never humiliate you when you protect the affairs of your family.

-   Prophet s.a.w always remember Khadijah even when she was gone as he s.a.w said something about Khadijah to Ayesha and Ayesha ask him s.a.w 'why do you always talk about Khadijah?' and Prophet s.a.w said. 'Khadija is the one who support me when everyone rejects me'.

-   Khadijah is the person who support Prophet s.a.w also in financial. It is for the sake of Islam. The support that Khadijah r.a gave is to ease the da'wah of Prophet s.a.w. (Subhanallah what an amazing value within a woman)

-   Make your life like a successful muslimah and business woman as Khadijah. Think. HOW CAN I BE LIKE KHADIJAH?

-   There are reasons why Prophet s.a.w married divorced women and widowed. Because those women really understand men psychologically..

-   Allah says in the Quran ' I do not create mankind except to worship Me' .. This doesn't necessarily about prayers, fasting and all the obligations. Rather it means EVERYTHING that we do should be an act of worship to Allah. Such as spend money for sadaqah.

-    The stories of the Prophet and sahabah and Quran are not just a fairy tale or just a story. These stories are to remind us because that is what we should. We should be the same.

-    Khadijah has the best of world and the best of Akhirah, BE like her!

-    Be the great influence with only look the examples of our masters.

-    There 's no time to complain but take initiative to make it happen!

By Sheikh Shareef El Arbi (USA) : Muhammad and His Struggles

-    Prophet s.a.w said ' What do I have to do with this dunya while I am just a traveler in this dunya'

-    How to make your home as the home of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w?

-   Prophet s.a.w always recite dua and give salam everytime he enters and exits the house.
-   First gate of having success is the relationship between your family.

-   Prophet s.a.w do everything by himself including washing his own clothes and sewing his own shoes. Be like Rasulullah s.a.w! (He is the leader of humanity yet he can do the small things)  Dont wait for someone to do something for you! or dont wait until you need to be asked to do something.

-   Prophet s.a.w never talk bad about any food! Whenever he doesnt like it, he just put it away and not saying anything. He never said 'this food is tasteless, or too spicy'

-   Prophet s.a.w live in a simple way. When he wakes up, then he ask for food to his wife, if there's food, he'll eat. but if there's no food, he will continue fasting without complaining. (Subhanallah! :( )

-   Ayesha r.a had described that there was a time when we dont have food for months. Allahuakbar :(

-  Taking care of the family's entertainment. Try to sacrifice a bit for your family's entertainment. For example your little sister wants to watch cartoons channel in tv. Try to sacrifice a bit.

-     Have common hobbies together in order to be easier to be attached together.

-   Makes time for family talk. Prophet s.a.w is the best listener! He always talks with Ayesha r.a while waiting for adhzan fajr.

- Woman likes to talk about every details. but man likes to talk directly. but Prophet s.a.w really listen to every detail of Ayesha r.a. and he s.a.w showed to Ayesha that he listened the details. (mashaAllah this is sweeet :>)

- Family who worship together, stays together!

-Shaytan will not enter the house that family prays jamaah together! Allahuakbar. *NOTED

- Prophet s.a.w gave everything if a beggar comes until he has nothing else to give!

- 'We were so hungry that we tight a rock on the stomach to push the stomach in as if it was filled.' :(


By Dr. Ataullah Kopanski : Muhammad, The Social Reformer.

- There are american freemason that even praise Prophet Muhammad s.a.w

- Those who insulting Islam exist from the time of Prophet s.a.w

- Prophet s.a.w convey the message of supreme from Allah. DONT BE THE HEART OF COWARD! Stand and speak up for Islam!

- Harun Abdul Kareem said in his spoken words : I invite you with the simple concept! BREAK THE SILENT AND START SPEAK!

By Sheikh Ibrahim Nuhu (Nigeria) : Muhammad, The Teacher.

- Muawiyah said 'yarhamukallah' when someone sniffed during jamaah prayer and the sahabah got angry at him but when they finished the prayer, Muawiyah expected that Prophet would mad at him but rather, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was not even mad at all but correct him in a very soft manner. He s.a.w correct the faults of people with no curses and no embarrassment '

-  Muawiyah said 'Wallahi, I never see the best teacher rather than Prophet s.a.w'

-  Prophet s.a.w make sure that people understand what he says that he repeats three times.

- Show mercy when you teach. Put yourself in their shoes, only then you can be patient! Be like our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w!

-  Prophet s.a.w looks at the nature of the question.

- Prophet s.a.w divert the question to something more benefit than the answer. for example, there were sahabah asked Prophet s.a.w 'Is the water of the sea can be used as oblution?' Prophet s.a.w answered ' Yes the water can be used as oblution and the dead animals in the sea can be eaten.'

By Sheikh Shareef El Arbi (USA) :  Muhammad and Me

- Have taqwa!

- If you need to love Prophet s.a.w , you really need to know much about him s.a.w.

- If you make sacrifice for Islam, Allah will give His sincerity to you. (No gift can be compared  rather than  the gift of Allah's sincerity) *my favourite :)

Alhamdulillah. This is so far what i get from the conference and I hope this will be beneficial for you and me! and may Allah give us strength to put all the wisdom words into practice. Allahumma ameen! :) We are the best of mankind on this earth and yes we should act like one. Not with arrogant. But with virtue.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Salaam Yang, jazakiAllah khairan :-)

  3. Salaam my sweet ukhti, afwan. May Allah grant much love to my loved ones. :)

  4. Jazakumullahi khairan kasiran..


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