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Extremism vs. Moderation – Yang Rafyiqa bt. Abdul Latif

‘You see only with your eyes, so you are easy to fool’. The recurring words that oftenly conquering my mind from The Karate Kid movie. It is needless to say that majority evaluate things and come out with conclusion along with roomless filteration of heart and mind which certainly corrupt the understanding.

I humbly came out with this journal because of the false judgement nowadays that being pious is to be seen as being extremist and being moderate is to obey some of the teachings, and neglect some of them, so it would be ‘balance’ a.k.a moderate. The reality is being a pious servant has nothing to do with extremism. I should emphasize that extremist is those who are limitlessly doing ritual worship to the stage where the actions burden him/herself. For instance, performing night prayers without sleep, fasting without break fast, and keep distance from woman without married for lifetime. Whenever a companion swayed towards extremism, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w firmly said  ‘be aware, I am more fearful of God than you, more God-aware than you, yet I fast and I break the fast, I stand in vigil and rest and I marry women.’ and still he is indeed a pious one in the sight of Allah.

 To obey the obligations is certainly compulsory for us but following the alternative or the sunnah doesn’t mean that it is extremist. If the sunnah means to be called extremist, it is surely banned by Allah and Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. So, it is strictly to say that the men who are having beard is not an extremist, the women who are wearing ‘tudung labuh’ is not an extremist. But it is called loyalty. The rules of Islam cannot live without Sunnah. The Sunnah completes the Quran and specifies the rules in the Quran. As the Quran tells us to perform salah. But the Sunnah tells us on HOW to perform salah. If there’s no Sunnah, then we might create our own ways to perform salah.

The true concept of ‘moderatism’ has become unseen to the eyes of the world which has to be rectified. Some might say, ‘I prefer to be a moderate muslim’. The thing that people blindly know is that all muslims should be moderate muslims. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w is a moderate muslim. Saidina Umar is a moderate muslim. Saidina Abu Bakr is a moderate musim. But it is vital to ponder upon the meaning of moderation. Being moderate doesn’t mean that you obey some of the rules and neglect the others. Halal will forever be halal and haram will forever be haram. Surprisingly, there is ridiculous statement that says moderation is to collect rewards and also ‘allowed’ to commit sins. So it would be balance or ‘sederhana’ in malay. This false idea has to be stopped.

Moderation is about the quantity or the period of time of your actions. Also it means to be balance in the worldly matter and afterlife matter, not to abandon the dunya or not to abandon the akhirah completely. BUT.. it has nothing to do with committing sins. Moderation is about managing your time carefully. Your time with Allah, your time with people (family, friends etc.) and your time for yourself (self-career, education). Serve your time to each aspect moderately. May Allah guide us all to be moderate muslims. Ameen! J


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