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Open your eyes :)

              Ok, here it goes. im gonna show and explain the simple fact that will open your eyes. insyaAllah :) ok as you can see, these pictures are the celebrities nowadays, em sorry to be rude but a.k.a the trend that we followed now. and of course, they're kafirs. now, we are Muslims. why do we need to follow the kafirs? what benefits that we get? Allah mentioned that the 'heaven' of kafirs is only on earth. and the muslims get the chance to enter the heaven in the here after. which is 'FOREVER' you will be in the heaven. do the kafirs get the chance to enter the heaven of Allah? NOT A CHANCE. now you choose. do you wanna join the kafirs or the righteous? now, if you are one of the righteous, you'll get the benefit in this very same planet and also in the here after. you got ABSOLUTELY nothing to lose. and what about kafirs? they will be astray forever in this world. Allah will close their hearts. 

             They will feel the calamity and also suffering in the here after and HELL  for sure. why Allah close their hearts? because they already know the existence of Allah, the greatness, the miracles, the magnificence, the majesty of Allah. but they refused it followed by their egos. and you know what, the kafirs, all of them are laughing at us. they would say 'where are your muslims spirit that you're very proud of? while you're just the same like us. copying our style.'     Open your eyes brothers and sisters. This is reality we're talking about. believe me, they are laughing at us right now. and what about Justin Bieber? He made a confession about he hates islam, and WHY WHY AND WHY there are still muslims fan crazyy about him??? cant you see? You're loving someone that hate you in return..... and do you think Prophet Muhammad will admit that you are one of his ummat? OPEN YOUR EYES MUSLIMS. it is not too late to make the change. WE have to change it. 'YOU' have to.. 'I' have to.

            and why cant we follow their styles? these women in the pictures. and this is how we can say that we're PROUD to be a muslim. We, Muslims have our own ways of life. not like the kafirs. and we can say to the kafirs 'look at me. I'm beautiful just like you, but even better. im beautiful, INSIDE AND OUT. and im blessed by my Lord, Allah which is your Lord too. and know that one day, we'll see who'll own the victory, the pride, the peace that will never fade away.' and this is how the kafirs should looked up at us. that they're all like a shadow stepping on this earth. useless for living. they didnt realized that. the kindness that they made will not be counted in the here after. such a waste. 

           so why do we need to follow them? why do we need follow the people who totally a sinner, and they cant even give us anything.. why do we need to follow the people who are stepping their way to hell? while we can get our own pride and victory. and we have our own beautiful ways of life. we are MUSLIMS. Dear brothers and sisters, it is time to wake up. now. this very moment. WE have to make the change. 'Dont throw away what's right aside. Until the day comes, when there's no way to run and hide' I took this from Maher Zain's song. lol. and narrated Abu Huraira: 'YOU (TRUE MUSLIMS) ARE THE BEST OF PEOPLE EVER RAISED UP FOR MANKIND' means, the best people for the people, as you bring them with chains on their necks till they embrace Islam. Now, open your eyes brothers and sisters,

           Look at all your beautiful names, the men starts with Muhammad and the ladies starts with Nur, Sharifah, Fatima and all. These are the name of Islam. Aisyah, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Khadijah, also Muhammad's wife. Ali, Malik, Umar, Maisara.. We're carrying the names of Islam. so why dont we act like one? :) be proud with your name :) if you could just go and study more about Islam. you'll see that Islam is a beautiful religion and in fact, the easiest way to live your life.. Islam is a good news for human being. but some of us misunderstood. ill show you one of the surah and it is for the kafirs. come on Muslim people :) lets own victory :D

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم  

    قُلْ يَا أَيُّهَا الْكَافِرُونَ Katakanlah: "Hai orang-orang kafir,

    لا أَعْبُدُ مَا تَعْبُدُون  Aku tidak akan menyembah apa yang kamu sembah,

    وَلا أَنْتُمْ عَابِدُونَ مَا أَعْبُدُ  Dan kamu bukan penyembah Tuhan yang aku sembah.

     وَلا أَنَا عَابِدٌ مَا عَبَدْتُمْ    Dan aku tidak pernah menjadi penyembah apa yang kamu sembah,

   وَلا أَنْتُمْ عَابِدُونَ مَا أَعْبُدُ   dan kamu tidak pernah (pula) menjadi penyembah Tuhan yang aku sembah.

      لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ      Untukmu agamamu, dan untukkulah agamaku

Amin :) Barakallah


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